
OBJECTIVE                I am seeking to utilize my teaching and coaching experience and my knowledge of social media in a competitive area outside the classroom to still make an impact on the lives and futures of young people.

                                    Description of my perfect job:
Ideally I would be helping young people to grow and learn, while being involved in education policy and communication. I enjoy instruction of others, but am ready to move out of the traditional classroom setting and move on to a more individualized, or small group setting to educate, motivate, instruct, coach, and enhance the lives of others through the use of technology and social media

5/1993                          Bachelor's Degree             Aurora University                         Aurora, IL
Bachelor of Arts Degree in Elementary Education, Minor in Psychology

6/1999                          Continuing Education Courses               IUPUI                            Indianapolis, IN

7/2005- 1/2006              Continuing Education Courses      Valoraiso University             Valporaiso, IN
                                                                                    Drake University                 Des Moines, IA


10/1993 – Present            TEACHER       Nineveh-Hensley-Jackson United School Corporation, Trafalgar, IN

                                    I teach 2nd grade general education. I teach all subjects and am responsible for maintaining records for each student.

                                    Chairperson of Math Curriculum Committee 2001 – 2004
                                    Second Grade Level Chairperson 8/2009 – 6/2011 & 8/2012-Present
2010 – Present               SOCIAL MEDIA EXPERIENCE
Developed and maintain classroom web page
Created and maintain personal Blog
Founder and Administrator of Educators Against Tony Bennett facebook page
(Successfully petitioned facebook to change name of page to
                                           Citizens Against Tony Benett to help our friends in Florida)
Founder and Administrator of Hoosier Voices for Public Education facebook page
Founder and Creator of Hoosier Voices for Public Education blog
Co-Founder and Administrator of Indiana Friends of Public Education facebook forum
                                    Co-Founder and Administrator of Indiana Friends of Public Education Planning group

1/2011 – 6/2011            COACH            Varsity Track & Field Coach, Indianapolis Metropolitan High School

5/2010 – 11/2011            Independent Contractor     Alpha Timing (Meet Management)   Shelbyville, IN

8/1994 – 11/2009            COACH                                N-H-J United School Corporation,                          Trafalgar, IN

                                    Director of Intramurals 1997-2001
Asst. Dir. Youth League Basketball 1994-1998
Head Track Coach (Middle School) 1995-2003
Mid-Hoosier Conference Girls Champions 2001, 2002, 2003
Mid-Hoosier Conference Boys Champions 2002, 2003
Head Cross Country Coach (Middle School) 1994-1996
Mid Hoosier Conference Boys Champions - 1995
Varsity Cross Country Coach (High School)1996-2000 & 2002-2009
Mid-Hoosier Conference Boys Champions – 2005, 2006, 2007
Mid-Hoosier Conference Boys Cross Country Coach of the Year – 2005, 2006
Mid-Hoosier Conference Girls Champions – 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Mid-Hoosier Conference Girls Cross Country Coach of the Year – 2006, 2007, 2008
Cross Country Girls Team – Regional Qualifiers – 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009

                                    Diving Coach – High School and Middle School Boys and Girls – 2001-2003

                                    Varsity Boys Track Coach – 2004 – 2009
                                    Mid-Hoosier Conference Champions – 2005, 2006, 2008
                                    Mid-Hoosier Conference Track Coach of the Year – 2005, 2006, 2008
IATCCC Boys Track and Field Coach of the Year Nominee - 2006           

5/1999 - 5/2000             DIRECTOR         Small World Daycare, Inc.            Trafalgar, IN

                                    As director I was responsible for staffing the center to care for 100 children ages 6 weeks to 12 years. I was responsible for making sure licensing was current, and all regulations were followed. I supervised a staff of 20 and oversaw the daily planning and curriculum for instruction of each area.

9/1993 - 10/1993            Teacher's Assistant                Sprunica Elementary School, Nashville, IN

                                    I was teacher's assistant for two third grade classrooms. I was responsible for small group instruction, remedial assistance, and paperwork. I left this position to take my current position after only one month, as my current position was an advancement.

6/1991 - 8/1994             Counselor/Program Director          Happy Hollow Children's Camp, Nashville, IN

                                    During the summers of 1991, 1992, I was a general cabin counselor. The camp services inner city youth ages 7-12 and runs ten weeks, with new children each week. Along with 7 weeks of inner-city youth, there is a two week camp for children with diabetes, and a one week session for children with asthma. As Counselor I was responsible for planning and implementing daily activities to enhance the camp experience. During the summers of 1993 and 1994, I served as program coordinator for the entire camp. As program coordinator, I was responsible for coordinating each of 16 cabin groups' schedules onto the main camp schedule for the week. I was responsible for counselor and staff supervision, as well as discipline for troubled campers.

10/1993 – Present            N-H-J United Teachers Association (ISTA/NEA local)           
Treasurer                         1996-1999
President                          1999-2005, 2013 - Present
Insurance Rep.                  2006-2009
District Council Rep.           2009-2010
                                    While serving as treasurer of the local teachers association, I was responsible for overseeing the budget, paying bills, and filing financial reports to the state association.
While serving as president of the local teachers association, I was responsible for support of bargaining unit members in contractual, safety, and working condition issues.  I also acted as chair of negotiating team when bargaining new contract language and salary, and as corporation level discussion chair for the purpose of discussing work related conditions with the administration.

12/1995 – Present            Fair Haven Christian Church                                        Member

9/1992                          Omicron Delta Kappa     
                                    I was inducted into the National Honor Society while attending Aurora University.

8/1992 - 5/1993             Future Educators of America - Aurora Chapter                   President
                                    I was elected the first president of the Aurora University Chapter by education classmates my Senior year at the university.

9/1991 - 5/1992             Student Ambassadors - Aurora University                          Program Chair
As chair of the Student Ambassadors Program, I was responsible for setting up recruiting activities for prospective students.  I was responsible for phone-a-thon activities, planning prospective student visits, and distributing University recruiting materials to those prospective students.

9/1990 - 1/1992             Alpha Omega - Aurora Chapter                                         Vice – President

5/2005 – 2010               Indiana Association of Track and Cross Country Coaches                  Member


                                    Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, Power Point, Publisher)
                                    Blogspot (blogger)
                                    Paint Shop Pro
                                    Infinte Campus – Grade book and student records
                                    Weebly – Class website
                                    mClass – Assessment and progress monitoring software
                                    BURST – Intervention, assessment, and progress monitoring program